Here you will find all our publications available for download including methodology information, specific industry reports, and reports from previous editions of the CSR-S Monitor, as well as citations for academic research publications that utilize the CSR-S Monitor data.


The CSR-S Monitor uses a content analysis approach to score CSR reports. The CSR-S Monitor scoring rubric categorizes the content of each CSR report into 11 components called “Contextual Elements,” which cover the most common CSR topics. Within the elements, the report is scored based on scope of coverage and depth of information, as well as the degree of external verification of the data.

The information provided in this section offers insight into the CSR-S Monitor scoring methodology. First, descriptions of the 11 Contextual Elements, including operational definitions and a list of illustrative sub-elements and key topics for each are provided. Second, one specific scoring criterion in the Environment Element, including examples from real reports is included. Third, sample scorecards for two different companies, including information about various rankings.

For more information, refer to the CSR-S Monitor Report; for all scoring data, refer to the Analytics section; and for a closer look at the data and trends from companies in some of the standout industries, refer to the Industry Reports section.


The CSR-S Monitor publishes a series of industry reports, taking a closer look at the findings from certain industry groups. The first reports are on the Extractive Industry (NAICS 21) and Finance & Insurance (NAICS 52) using data from the 2014 edition of the Monitor.